School children are the principal beneficiaries of our funds. In the last past five years, we have funded programs bringing music education to more than 111,225 kids, both in the seven-county metropolitan area and throughout the state of Minnesota, western Wisconsin and eastern North Dakota. These students attend a wide range of schools in our area, both public and private, and come from every grade level.

Establishing a presence for music education in schools has never been easy. TCOG is proud to work with a variety of organizations who are creating programs that support music education. Twice each year (Fall and Winter), we review applications for education grants.

Apply now for Fall 2024 Grants-due by August 30.  Grant applications will be reviewed in mid-September.  Application information at bottom of this page.

2023 Funded Programs

Type of Project/Proposed Grantee Organization Grades

In-School Music Programs

Mounds View Public Schools-drumming for disabled students
Saint Paul Conservatory of Music: Music for All Program
Imaginality Opera-virtual opera
An Opera Theatre: Education residency at high schools
New Richmond Elementary School District: Opera for the Young performances
Opera For The Young: virtual performances in twelve schools

Choral & Instrumental Programs for Students-In School

Cantus: residency program at three schools

Support For School Musicals

Capital Hill Middle School
Norman County MN: high school musical

Choir/Music After-School School Programs for Students

Minnesota Sinfonia: in-person outdoor concerts
Lundstrum Performing Arts: Classes
ComMUSICation: Performance Choir
VocalEssence: VESOTA Choral Program high school

Summer Music Programs for Children

St. Croix Valley Opera
Young Actors Academy at Open Window Theatre

Support for Young Artists

Joan T. Smith Award for Vocal Music Student
Opera Reading Project - Audition training for student singers of all ages
Metropolitan Opera Auditions District and Regional Awards